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Geo-Tintín C’est L’aventure - Un Monde Sans Frontières, 24425

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 Geo-Tintin C'est L'aventure , Un Monde Sans Frontières.

Whether on horseback or aboard a train, a boat, a submarine or even a rocket, Tintin, always on the move, never stops crossing borders. Through a comparison of Hergé's work and the best photos from GEO magazine, this hors-série shows how much Tintin continues to illuminate our contemporary world and its challenges (French version).

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Geo-Tintin C'est L'aventure , Un Monde Sans Frontières.

Whether on horseback or aboard a train, a boat, a submarine or even a rocket, Tintin, always on the move, never stops crossing borders. Through a comparison of Hergé's work and the best photos from GEO magazine, this hors-série shows how much Tintin continues to illuminate our contemporary world and its challenges (French version).

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