Las aventuras de Tintín 04 - LOS CIGARROS DEL FARAÓN (hardcover) - Castellano

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    Tintin travels on a cruise ship bound for the Far East. On board he meets the strange Egyptologist Philemon Cyclone, who is traveling in search of the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Kih-Oskh. Tintin accompanies him to the tomb and there he discovers the mysterious cigars, which hide more than just tobacco. He is then kidnapped and abandoned at sea, but is saved and lands in Arabia. After numerous vicissitudes he ends up in India, where he stays with the Maharaja of Rawhajpurtalah. Here appear characters that we will meet again later: the ineffable policemen Thomson and Thompson, the evil Rastapopoulos and the peculiar Oliveira de Salazar. Cigars of the Pharaoh begin to appear in Le petit Vingtiéme on December 8, 1932. It was the time when the news of the curse of Tutankhamun's tomb occupied many pages of the tabloids. This subject interested Hergé so much that years later he raised it again in The Seven Crystal Balls.


    Translated by Concepción Zendrera


    23 x 30 cm




    64 pages

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    Tintin travels on a cruise ship bound for the Far East. On board he meets the strange Egyptologist Philemon Cyclone, who is traveling in search of the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Kih-Oskh. Tintin accompanies him to the tomb and there he discovers the mysterious cigars, which hide more than just tobacco. He is then kidnapped and abandoned at sea, but is saved and lands in Arabia. After numerous vicissitudes he ends up in India, where he stays with the Maharaja of Rawhajpurtalah. Here appear characters that we will meet again later: the ineffable policemen Thomson and Thompson, the evil Rastapopoulos and the peculiar Oliveira de Salazar. Cigars of the Pharaoh begin to appear in Le petit Vingtiéme on December 8, 1932. It was the time when the news of the curse of Tutankhamun's tomb occupied many pages of the tabloids. This subject interested Hergé so much that years later he raised it again in The Seven Crystal Balls.


    Translated by Concepción Zendrera


    23 x 30 cm




    64 pages

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