Las aventuras de Tintín 23 - TINTÍN Y LOS PÍCAROS (hardcover) - Castellano

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    Fans of Tintin's adventures had to wait eight years after Flight 714 to Sydney to read Tintin and the Picaros, which began appearing in 1976. Hergé was now only working for pleasure, and was in no hurry. The idea took time to take shape. The setting was clear to him: South America. For the story he drew some inspiration from the Regis Debré and the Tupamaros affair. But these events are only the backdrop for the adventure. We go back to the imaginary republic of San Teodoros, (see The Broken Ear), where two generals aspiring to dictatorship wage a continuous war to achieve power. We meet again the ineffable General Alcazar (see The Broken Ear, The Seven Crystal Balls), Colonel Sponsz (The Calculus Affair), now under the name of Sponge, who has been sent by Borduria to support General Tapioca, and the explorer Ridgewell (see The Broken Ear). Serafin Brass is also around with his overwhelming personality, presiding over the group of the merry Turulones, and we also find Tapioca's  charming wife: the terrible Peggy. What is striking in this album is that Tintin wears jeans, drives a motorcycle wearing a helmet with the hippie peace sign and does yoga.




    Translated by Concepción Zendrera


    23 x 30 cm




    64 pages

      In stock, immediate delivery.

    Fans of Tintin's adventures had to wait eight years after Flight 714 to Sydney to read Tintin and the Picaros, which began appearing in 1976. Hergé was now only working for pleasure, and was in no hurry. The idea took time to take shape. The setting was clear to him: South America. For the story he drew some inspiration from the Regis Debré and the Tupamaros affair. But these events are only the backdrop for the adventure. We go back to the imaginary republic of San Teodoros, (see The Broken Ear), where two generals aspiring to dictatorship wage a continuous war to achieve power. We meet again the ineffable General Alcazar (see The Broken Ear, The Seven Crystal Balls), Colonel Sponsz (The Calculus Affair), now under the name of Sponge, who has been sent by Borduria to support General Tapioca, and the explorer Ridgewell (see The Broken Ear). Serafin Brass is also around with his overwhelming personality, presiding over the group of the merry Turulones, and we also find Tapioca's  charming wife: the terrible Peggy. What is striking in this album is that Tintin wears jeans, drives a motorcycle wearing a helmet with the hippie peace sign and does yoga.




    Translated by Concepción Zendrera


    23 x 30 cm




    64 pages

    64 páginas

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